Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these, Matthew 19:14

During the 10:00 am Sunday Family Service, the children start by listening to the children's talk. This is a talk themed on the readings of the day aimed at young people. After this there is a fun, active children's song. The children then go off to the activities room to start Sunday School. They then rejoin the congregation when it is time for Holy Communion.
The method of teaching that we use for Sunday School is called Godly Play. Godly Play is a Montessori method of telling Bible stories, developed by Jerome Berryman, using parables, sacred stories and liturgical lessons about religious traditions using simple materials.
Godly Play is a way of preparing children to join the worship life of their congregation as they experience sacred stories, symbols and rites and encounter the religious language associated with worship within the context of our faith tradition.
During the year, there are Sundays set aside for the children to partake and lead in the church service. The service is then designed with children in mind and they get to help run the service. Don't miss one of these truly inspiring opportunities to worship with us..
Our Sunday school is a fun way to learn about God and Christianity. We have an amazing team of teachers who are dedicated and are always well prepared. We are fully equipped with all the materials needed for our lessons.