And God is able to bless you abundatly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will be abound in every good work. Corintians 9:8
You can choose to donate to Christ's Church Mandurah online. We have partnered with Anglican Community Fund to offer this facility for you. Donations can be made by debiting either your bank account with any bank or debiting your credit card. Please note: credit card donations incur a 1% fee which will be deducted from the donated amount (by our service provider) whereas with donations made through your bank account, the full amount of the donation will be received by the beneficiary. This is an easy and secure way to donate. You can donate by Visa Card, MasterCard or Direct Debit, simply use the drop down box. Please read the below instructions and when you are ready to donate, click on the "GIVE NOW" button.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Click on the "GIVE NOW" button and you'll be taken to Anglican Community Fund's donation page.
On the donation page, for "Donation Type" select "Parishes" from the drop down box.
On the donation page, for "Parishes", begin typing "Mandurah" and select "Parish of Mandurah" from the drop down box. Enter the amount and rest of the information and follow the steps on the donation page.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact the Church Office on 08 9535 6152. Christ's Church Mandurah, Thank you for your donation.